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資訊 News (7)
- Become Master Herbalist Junior/
Virtual Tour with Master Herbalist Junior (Closed) 小小華佗線上遊 (已完結) Become Master Herbalist Junior HASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space was perfectly finished almost three months. #小小華佗的誕生 #BecomeMasterHerbalistJunior #HASH創意 #HASH_Creative #STREAM中醫藥文化 #STREAM_ChinMedicineCulture
- Become Master Herbalist Junior/
Become Master Herbalist Junior – HASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space at 7 Mallory Please stay tuned to the latest posts on our Facebook or Instagram 位於灣仔茂蘿街7號的HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間——「小小華佗的誕生 只為學校印製的限量版,很珍貴:) 註:工作坊會因應天氣更改場地或取消,大家請留意我們Facebook或Instagram上發布的最新活動消息 Become Master Herbalist Junior –– HASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space 「小小華佗的誕生」–– HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間 24.02-17.03.2021 10:30am 多用途活動室) Workshop Schedule More about details and registration〉 #小小華佗的誕生 #BecomeMasterHerbalistJunior #HASH
- Become Master Herbalist Junior/
我們一心打造「小小華佗的誕生」成為一個HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間,結合Humanities (人文) 、Arts (藝術) 、Social Life (生活) 、Happy (樂趣) ,由繪本主人翁小紅雨 「小小華佗的誕生」——HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間,將於2月24日至3月17日期間在灣仔茂蘿街7號舉行,大家可於期間參與、留連。 Become Master Herbalist Junior –– HASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space 「小小華佗的誕生」–– HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間 24.02-17.03.2021 10:30am -18:00pm 7 Mallory Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔茂蘿街7號 (Public 多用途活動室) Workshop Schedule More about details and registration〉 #小小華佗的誕生 #BecomeMasterHerbalistJunior #HASH
網頁 Pages (2)
- The “小畫手畫中醫” series of exhibitions–Hong Kong | CCCFoundation
This event is now open for creative artwork submissions from primary school students across Hong Kong , aiming to help students unleash their artistic creativity and showcase their understanding and experiences Artwork Requirements Content: Creative themes can include, but are not limited to, traditional Chinese
- PROJECT5 | Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation
Going hand in hand with online learning resources, school visits will mix stories, knowledge, games and creativity Touched the True Meaning of Cultural Learning Picture Book Fun Day will combine music, drama and games to create