Children’s Picture Books Projects on
Chinese Medicine Culture is kicked off
Financed by Chinese Medicine Development Fund, CCCF’s Children’s Picture Books Project on Chinese Medicinal Culture kicks off. Let’s introduce our two partners of the project.
我們的中醫團體合作伙伴-全仁中醫,是由香港一群青年中醫在2009年組成,並於2011年正式註冊為非牟利團體 (慈善稅務登記號:91/11434),旨在以簡、便、效、廉的中醫藥,幫助和教導貧困地區的人民防治疾病。
Founded in 2009, Chinese Medicine for All (CMA) is a charitable Chinese medicine organisation. CMA sends fresh Chinese medicine graduates to provide simple, affordable, and effective mobile consultation and education services to poor people across Asia.
PHOTO © Chinese Medicine for All
第一部繪本為《Another Rainy Day》,曾於香港、法蘭克福、意大利波隆那、台灣等地方展出。2018年榮獲「香港兒童文學圖書創作」— 佳作獎及The 5th Sharjah Exhibition for Children’s Book of Selected Illustrations。
A design and fine art graduate, illustrator Kungchinchin runs a design firm. She once lectured Illustration and Comics at CUSCS, CUHK. Her works are often showcased in local and overseas exhibitions. Her debut Another Rainy Day was exhibited around the world and won both local and international awards.
COPYRIGHT © kungchinchin
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